Dear All,
"Memories are man's real possession.... in nothing else is he rich, in nothing else is he poor!!!"
So, we want our senior friends to have their own memory album to cherish. We have come up with the initiative to gift our friends something that can stay in their hearts forever, something that can leave an indelible imprint on their minds, something that can make them feel happy and recall of time spent here in IWSB!!!
We will be soon starting a blog on which we will be posting the photographs of two/three of our senior friends daily. The onus of making their memory albums memorable lies on all of us.We request their batch mates, juniors and even faculty members or staff members to write in that blog about the good times they shared, their experiences with them, their secrets, their photographs etc.
We will devote one day for preparing the memory album of two/three seniors. After this we will post the photographs of other seniors and the same process will continue till we cover all of them. We will be giving out the print-outs of these pages to our seniors which will be a memento for them... and lots more ahead!!!
So, keep looking for this space.
Always Yours....