Friday, April 22, 2011

BAGITTODAY is getting very "Dangerous"

Thats right Bagittoday is a e com venture of Living Media India Ltd or what we comonners know as "The India Today group". We are talking about the leadership of India's one of the most powerful media houses. One would always relate them with "just and trust" since they are primarily shouldering the responsibility of being the Nation's watch towers, and may have been doing this job commendably . But are they getting greedy now??? Is that institution no longer resistent to the tempting bacteria of greed and corruption??? Imagine the heart of Media Powerhouse being greedy. That's dooms day spelt out for you!!!
As a victim, I can now see a pattern in the attempts of the devil here. Metaphorically the victim is the "point of truth" to whom even the cleverest of the devils have to manifest their vile intent.
I am sure I am not the only one to have experienced this devil with his sinister smile, swirling around it's victims, with his whiplash in his hand using it as a toy of torture, slowly enjoying each moment as the victim gets drawn towards the inevitable. But this victim is not going down without a fight. Someone has to stand ground and if that has come on me then so be it.
I appeal all those who read this and relate to this can send me their experiences through e mails and I promise you I will one by one bring to light the devil with his hands RED. Help me and yourself do that!


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